Week 8. Bringing it all together

Welcome to the eighth and final module of this course! This week we weave the many threads – the practices and perspectives shared and explored into one dynamic, real-life tapestry! We take a look back at everything we’ve covered, distill seven anchor practices to carry us forward into daily life, and look at our next step(s) in the practice segment…

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Week 7. Dancing the Evolutionary Edge: Creative, Joyous Discovery

Welcome to the seventh module of this course! This week we explore family life and culture. This involves exploring the untapped potential that you are as a family, and welcoming the freedom to renew and to create afresh with your children. What new forms of culture might you explore in your family in order to encourage a human journey…

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Week 6. The “I”: My gift and work as a parent

Welcome to the sixth module of this course! This week we explore in many ways the keystone when we consider Parenting as a Spiritual Practice, and that is the whole realm of “I” the parent — looking at our gifts, the inner work and practice. The questions of Who am I? Who am I becoming? What are my gifts,…

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Week 4. The “You”: Discover & meet your child as fully as possible

Welcome to the fourth module of this course, in which we look at the “You”, building on last week’s topic in which we focused on the “We”, and exploring how we can meet our children as fully as possible, and in this way, help them realize their potential. In this week’s teaching session on “You” – the child,…

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Week 3. The “We”: We’re in this together

Welcome to the third module of this course! This week we are exploring the “We”, the relationship between parent and child. In the teaching segment we look at how we can nurture and tend to this foundational “ship” that underlies and carries us through each parenting moment. The second part of this session offers some key points when…

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Week 2. Stretching The Canvas – An Integral Evolutionary Context

Welcome to the second module of this course, in which we look at “context”, and especially what an integral evolutionary context offers to our engagement with parenting as a spiritual practice.  In the teaching segment we will also explore our current habitual context, as well as what choices we might make from an expanding one. If possible,…

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Week 1: Getting Started

Welcome to our first week together! I so look forward to this journey with you. This week the focus is on settling in and warming up to the topic of Parenting as a Spiritual Practice, with some initial reflections on why parenting can be such a radically transformative spiritual practice, and how approaching it in this way…

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